Tranquil Times


Staff member
Another in my on going AquaScape series of video's of one of my aquariums. There is some new fish in the tank now. I am really liking female Betta's and picked up a few new ones. I like that you can have more then one in a tank, and if you are selective you can still find some pretty colorful ones. They just don't have the long flowing fins of the male Betta, but the fact that I can have multiple ones peacefully coexisting with each other and other fish, I will take that instead. :)

This is a longer video, and like all of mine so far in these AquaScape series, they are meant to be relaxing, and so there is no zooming in or panning, I don't want any movements that would or could be visually jarring. But with that said, I might make my next one to be more action packed. :)

All comments are welcome,


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