TimeLapse. 90 days chewing gum evolution until it merges with the ground


Good afternoon from Barcelona, Spain.

I want to share with you the project on what I am working. I am on the post-processing step of a time lapse composed of 850 photos (during 90 days) of the evolution of a gum. From the moment it is spit out of the mouth until the moment when it forms one of those dark spots on the ground (which are often seen on the sidewalks of the cities) .

This video, in the context in which it will be released, intends to be a metaphor for abandonment. About when your partner leaves you (as if we were disposable, going dark, getting dirty, staying hanging around, etc.)

It is not finished yet: I would want to correct the slight involuntary camera movements. The Adobe Premiere stabilize distorted the image (in a bad way), and I do not know any software (or any photoshop function) to solve this.

Do you have any recommendation?

Thank you very much!



Staff member
First off Cancion, welcome to FocalWorld!

It's great to be getting a new member from Spain, and someone as creative as you are from what I see with this time lapse.

What was your interval on the time lapse?

Have you tried Aligning all of the images in Photoshop? The Align feature would align a lot of them up, there are some in deeper shadows that you might have to just Move to align by hand. I really like your creativity as I said. Will you be adding music? I think music is the biggest missing component now, though definitely you will want to align the images.
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