
  1. Mike Lewis

    Finally Some Data! (Pelican B&W)

    So I finally got over to work on my setup that is at a friend's house in Castle Rock. The equipment alignment on the permanent pier went very well, and so the next thing was to run the system a little bit. So I decided to point at the Pelican Nebula and take some narrowband data through the...
  2. Mike Lewis

    IC410 - The Tadpoles Nebula

    Here is an image that shows a very interesting region, commonly referred to as the Tadpoles Nebula. The Tadpoles Nebula is named for the 2 little squiggles that look like tadpoles, shown in to the right of center in my image. This dusty star forming region lies approximately 12,000 light...
  3. Mike Lewis

    The Eastern Veil Nebula

    This a narrowband image of the Eastern Veil (also known as Caldwell 33), whose brightest area is NGC 6992, which is part of a much larger nebula complex known as the Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant. This image is created using data collected through Ha, OIII, and SII narrowband filters, to...
  4. Mike Lewis

    Rho Ohpiuci Cloud Complex

    One of the most beautiful areas of the night sky visible from the Northern Hemisphere, the Rho-Ophiuci Nebula Complex shows off a myriad of colors in this natural light image captured through LRGB filters. There are also a number of globular clusters visible in the image, the most prominent...
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