Snow Abstracts


Staff member
Monika and Larry have posted their multiple feet of snow they had at their houses, well in Northern Colorado at my daughters house it was a matter of inches not feet. But I decided to work with what I got.

This first series is where the snow is on the branches of the trees. I thought it took on an abstract feel.

All comments are welcome,






I like the first one without dead leaves disrupting the flow of the snow covered branches. These do make nice abstracts.


Well-Known Member
Your timing was just right to capture the snow-crested branches at the peak. I agree that the first is the best.


Staff member
Your timing was just right to capture the snow-crested branches at the peak. I agree that the first is the best.
It only lasted for about 5 hours in the morning. So while most of the kids were still sleeping I went outside and captured these. By noon it had melted off.

I was tempted to convert these to B&W as the colors are so muted.

Kyle Jones

I want to say that the leaves in the 2nd help create a focal point, but I agree that the cleaner look of the first makes for a better abstract.
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